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Acoustic Guitar Scale Length: Impact & Measurement


What is Acoustic Guitar Scale Length?

Scale length of acoustic guitar refers to the distance between the nut and bridge. In other words, the scale length is the length of the vibration string of acoustic guitar when it is played. The length is usually measure by inches or millimeters. It can also be varied from one guitar to another.


Importance of Acoustic Guitar Scale Length

The scale length will greatly influence the vibration of acoustic guitar string, thus to influence the playability and quality of tone. This is why scale length is so important. It is critical to use string with right scale length on a right guitar.

The scale length influences the distance between frets in a direct way. The longer the scale length, the wider the frets distance. Thus, this may challenge the reach of your hands. Therefore, scale length affects the comfortability of guitar as well as your technique to play the guitar.

And, the length determines the tension of the string of acoustic guitar. In other word, the longer the length, the higher the tension. Thus, it affects if it is easy or hard to press the string down.

Generally, longer scale length provides brighter tone with more sustain, and the shorter offers warmer tone. Besides, a longer scale length of acoustic guitar string allows more harmonic overtones. The scale length does affect the overall resonance.

Normally, scale length also determines the size of acoustic guitar. The longer the scale length, the bigger the size of guitar. Because brighter sound or beautiful tone is essential, convenience of playing is also be considered. This is how scale length affects the guitar building.

How to Measure the Scale Length?

Generally, there is a simple way to measure the scale length of acoustic guitar string. Measure the distance between the inside edge of the nut and the 12th fret, then, double the number.

Why measure this way? Theoretically, the measurement of scale length should be the distance between the nut and the saddle. However, for most of acoustic guitars, the saddle is not placed on the bridge straightly. That means, there is an angle when place the saddle to keep the uniform intonation of the strings. Thus, if to measure the scale length directly by the distance between the nut and saddle, it will make a huge confusion.

Can I Use Shorter Scale Length on A Standard Sized Guitar?

Let’s make this clear that the standard sized acoustic guitar can refer to various sized guitars like 38’’, 40’’, 41’’, etc. So, if you ask this question, it can make someone like us be confused. However, we will try to explain as our understanding about this question.

If you are building or custom a smaller sized guitar like 24’’, 26’’, or 38’’, shorter length scale would be the only choice. And for 40’’ or 41’’ guitar, longer scale length will be the right choice.

Thus, the right question is should I use longer or shorter scale length for adult guitar or the one for children?

Besides, as our experienced, clients who custom acoustic guitar with us seldom spend much of time on which scale length they should use. However, we want to repeat again, use a wrong scale length will cause the damage of the strings and the guitar.

If you are glad to discuss about this, or not so sure about which one you should use, please feel free to CONTACT US to figure out the righ